
Published 6:05 am Sunday, December 23, 2012

WFLA Lodge Zare Zapadu No. 44

Western Fraternal Life Association Lodge Zare Zapadu No. 44 held its annual appreciation dinner and Christmas party Nov. 30 at their historical Brick Hall. It was a delicious catered meal, with about 40 attending.

Following the meal, President Jim Benesh opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. He thanked Dale and Elaine Lukes for bringing their antique Viktrola and playing music. The group sang “Happy Birthday” to Dale Lukes, as it was his birthday.

Following the secretary and treasurer’s reports, Benesh congratulated Vicki Walker for being a member for 50 years and presented her with her 50-year pin. The organization’s two 75-year pin recipients, Doris Van House and Robert Lukes, were unable to attend.

Email newsletter signup

Get-well cards were sent to several members who were sick.

WFLA agent Robert Kokarska Jr. introduced himself and spoke to the group. He gave out some WFLA products. Those in attendance were happy to welcome three new members who have signed up: Bonnie Belshan, Arlene Hajek and Gene Pacovsky.

The group held an election of officers. Elected were President Dan Rayman, Vice President Dan Belshan, Secretary Marie Krikava, treasurers Marcella Nelson and Dennis Rayman, trustees Emil Prantner, Evelyn Svenson and Lukes. The lodge members thanked Benesch and Jim Becker for their many years of service as president and treasurer of the lodge.

World War II veterans Milo Belshan, Ernie Benesh and Pratner have begun a project to erect a memorial for all veterans at the Bohemian National Cemetery. An account has been opened at the Citizens State Bank of Glenville for donations. A grant is being applied for and several organizations are joining hands with them to help with matching funds.

A burger night was Dec. 15 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Glenville Legion, sponsored by Spencer Krier as part of his requirement for his Eagle Scout Award. There will also be a pancake breakfast and bake sale Jan. 13 at the Glenville Legion from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with proceeds going for the veterans memorial.

Lodge members brought 50 pounds of food for the Salvation Army food shelf, delivered by Dennis and Gail Rayman.

Members assembled fruit plates and delivered them to the group’s shut-ins the week of Dec. 10.

New officers will determine meeting dates for 2013.


Ascension Lutheran Church Women

The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of ELCA held their monthly meeting on Dec. 9 at 9:30 a.m.

Co-President Caroline Sorenson called the meeting to order and led devotions.

The secretary’s report was read by Lorraine Schaper as well as the minutes from a special executive board meeting of Nov. 25. Minutes were approved as read.

Cheryl Venem gave the treasurer’s report. The report will be placed on file for audit.

Under old business it was voted and approved to distribute the Time and Talent Bazaar proceeds to the following: Ascension Youth Campership Fund, Good Earth Village debt retirement, Salvation Army food shelf, Christ thru Hands, Semcac homeless shelter, Lutheran Social Service homeless in Minnesota, Campus Ministry in Mankato and East Church Attic.

The lutefish and Swedish meatball dinner went well. The group wished to thank Irene and Eugene Anderson. Funds will be used toward the 50th anniversary in 2013.

Doris Guenthner announced that the bi-annual synod meeting will be held on Dec. 21, gathering at Grace Lutheran in Albert Lea.

Looking ahead to printing the 2013 handbook, Doris Guenthner opened discussion from the group on the wedding committee, St. John’s Auxiliary representative, Time and Talent, and Guest Night. She asked that somebody consider stepping forward to lend helping hands for these opportunities.

The next meeting will be Jan. 13, which will also be the installation of officers for 2013.


Wa Tan Ye

The December meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Wedge. The minutes were read by JoAnn Holstad. Alice Petersen read the treasurer’s report. They were approved and placed on file. We received a thank-you from the Ecumenical food shelf. The group collected $35 for the Salvation Army food shelf.

The club voted to order more dish cloths because it can take a long time to receive them.

Marie Querna celebrated her anniversary of 60 years as a Wa Tan Ye member. She is still a very active member, and the group feels fortunate for her friendship and working with her for the club.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be Jan. 7.

It was then time for the Christmas party. Petersen read the Christmas story from the Bible. The group enjoyed delicious treats provided by Sharon Jahnke and Bev Head, co-hostesses for the party.