
Published 6:12 am Sunday, July 7, 2013


National Active and Retired Federal Employees Chapter 469 met June 11 at Pizza Ranch in Austin. It was reported that the Faribault NARFE Chapter will be helping the Owatonna, Albert Lea and Austin Chapters with the 2014 state convention. Norma Naatz spoke on the church mission trip she and nine others took to Joplin, Miss., in August of 2011 to aid in getting schools in Joplin ready for the upcoming school year and repair of the buildings after the EF5 tornado in May 2011.

President Jonathon Green reported on the 2013 state convention. John Schmidt was re-elected state president, Michelle Benson, membership vice president, Scott Halstead, legislative vice president, Karen Thygeson, secretary, and Clayton Olson, treasurer.

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Silent auction raised $2,002 for Alzheimer’s.

The next scheduled meeting is Aug. 13 at Pizza Ranch in Albert Lea.