
Published 9:47 am Sunday, December 22, 2013

Freemond Madson Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary

The Freemond Madson Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary met Dec. 9 at the Legion Hall with President Frances Camerer presiding. Preceding the meeting was a potluck Christmas dinner for post and auxiliary members was enjoyed beginning at 6 p.m.

Mary Carlson, Betty Jones, Camerer and Ruby Fredrickson attended the district meeting on Dec. 9 at Waseca Post 1642. Carlson had made a poppy display which was displayed. Owatonna post and auxiliary won all three categories and the junior unit entry. They were very well done and the largest.

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Junior Vice President Mildred Lauer was the department representative and discussed new ritual and programs of the auxiliary. The mid- winter conference will be at the Minneapolis Marriott Center Jan. 24-26. The poppy displays will once again be judged for advancement to the nation convention competition in Louisville, Ky., July 20-25.

The department President Laurie Dale’s special project is therapy dogs for veterans. One hundred dollars was voted to support the project.

Eunice Hatleli won the door prize.

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Jan. 13 at the Legion Hall.

Cookies and coffee were served following the meeting.


Ascension Lutheran Church Women

The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of ELCA had their regular monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m. Dec. 8.

Co-president Doris Guenthner called the meeting to order. Guenthner led devotions and read a Christmas story.

The secretary’s report was read by Secretary Lorraine Schaper and approved.

Cheryl Venem gave the treasurer’s report.

In correspondence, a thank you was read from Gene and Irene Anderson and the 50th anniversary committee for help in making the 50th anniversary a great success.

A motion was made and carried to distribute the Time and Talent Bazaar proceeds to the following: Ascension Youth Campership fund, Good Earth Village, Salvation Army Food Shelf, Christ Thru Hands, Semcac homeless shelter, Lutheran Social Services Homeless in Minnesota, Campus Ministry at Mankato State and Nepal Social Service Fund.

Alice Jensen gave a thank you for money and items received to send to military.

Guenthner announced there is a need for coordinators for next year’s Time and Talent Bazaar. If interested let her know.

Discussion was had that the sale of cookbooks is to be cash only.

The installation of WELCA officers will be at 8:30 a.m. Jan. 12.

The Blue Earth River conference will be April 5 at United Lutheran Church in Walters.

Denise Sandager gave an update on the prayer book for military personnel which she will order.

The meeting was adjourned.


Royal Arch Masons

Albert Lea Chapter No. 30 of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Minnesota met on Dec. 5. Officers were elected for the 2014 year.

They were: Brian Vairma, high priest, Dustin Garduno, captain of host, Jake Loper, principal sojourner, Troy Goodwater, royal arch captain, Robert Dammen, king, Don Rippentrop, scribe, Steve Claybourne, recorder, Bill Webster, treasurer and Lars Anderson, sentinel.

The York Rite is a collateral body of Freemasonry. Once a brother has advanced through the three degrees of Freemasonry (Entered apprentice, fellow craft and master mason) and they are in good standing within their lodge and grand lodge, they may petition to join the collateral Masonic body known as the York Rite. The first four degrees conferred within the York Rite body culminate in the degree of a Royal Arch Mason.

For more information on Freemasonry or York Rite masonry contact Steve Claybourne, secretary, Western Star Lodge No. 26 by sending a letter to PO Box 25, Albert Lea, MN 56007 or by calling 373-3154.