
Published 9:00 am Sunday, November 2, 2014

United Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women met Oct. 1.

Merle Stensrud began the meeting with a piano selection, dedicated to the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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Fern Urbatsch, of Mary-Grace Circle, introduced Larry Alvey, who spoke of his cultural tour of Cuba.

President Jerry Horswell thanked Hope Circle for serving and Mary-Grace Circle for the program. Horswell also asked for volunteers for 2015 officers.

Circle reports were given by JoAnn Seuser and the treasurer’s report by Ruth Vermedahl.

Marcia Moyer, of the membership committee, reported that 70 residents and families of St. John’s Lutheran Community were served coffee and refreshments Sept. 14.

Jerry Horswell announced that in November each church in the Southern Prairie District will receive a UMW census report for 2014.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, with coffee at 9:30 a.m., served by Just Three Circle. The 10 a.m. program will be World Thank Offering, presented by Martha Circle.

American Legion Auxiliary

State Department Vice President Sandra Fredrickson, Secretary Arlene Hajek and three active members of the American Legion Auxiliary Glenville Unit No. 264 attended the 82nd annual fall conference at Shooting Star Casino in Mahnomen hosted by Bagley American Legion Post No. 16.

State President Chris Ronning of Osseo-Maple Grove was the presiding officer. Her department president’s projects this year are 1. approximately $8,000 to go toward purchasing outdoor furniture and grills for the Adult Daycare Center at the Minneapolis Veterans Home. 2. $10,000 going to to Minnesota Creative Arts Program to be divided equally between Minneapolis and St. Cloud VAs. Any donations over and above will be given to Legionville to be used as needed.

National Security and Department annual report workshops were Thursday evening prior to the conference.

Throughout the conference the state chairmen presented their programs for this Auxiliary year. “Just Ask” sessions gave the membership the opportunity to ask questions on the various programs.

Another addressing the conference was National Northwestern Division Vice President Lori Skalherud on the importance of getting new members to continue the programs for the veterans.

The conference concluded Saturday with results of the 2014-2015 membership to-date campaign.


First Lutheran Church Women

First Lutheran Church Women met at noon Oct. 8 in Bethany Hall for the 54th anniversary of the reformation luncheon. Joan Holt provided the prelude music.

Co-president Sandy Narverud welcomed everyone, after which the “Blessing and Thanksgiving at Table,” from Luther’s Small Catechism was prayed.

Donna Ludtke gave devotions which included a short history of Martin Luther.

Bonnie Trampel introduced the program of music by Clarence Heavner and Sharon Wakefield. Barbara Heavner was unable to be there. Songs included “My God and I,” “Amazing Grace” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Heavner played several numbers on a piano accordion and a German accordion with some audience participation.

Neva Mathison and Bonnie Schneider reported on highlights from the triennial convention in Charlotte, N.C., that they attended in July. “Of Many Generations,” was the theme of the convention attended by 2,382 women from around the world. The 2017 convention will be in Minneapolis.

Treasurer Virginia Hermanson’s report was put on file.

Corresponding Secretary Lois Jensen received thank yous from the Radio Fund, ELCA for 2013 Thank Offering and Hormel Institute, along with an invitation to tour their facility and newsletter from the Satres in Cameroon.

Julie Nafzger shared some information about the faith committee, a spiritual piece of the Blue Zones project in Albert Lea. All ages are encouraged to become involved and be healthy individuals.

Sandy thanked Hermanson and Cheryl Moran for decorating; Ludtke, Gen Montei and Hazel Senske for greeting; and Unit III co-chairs Hermanson and Helen Lovik and their committee Marilyn Chafee, Audrey Christensen, Joyce Fredin, Alicia Helland, Kathy Olson, Arlis Smith, Julia Tonder, Maxine Wignes and Judy Kropp for being hostesses.

Caring and Sharing co-chairs Mathison and Marge Moine and their committee served three funerals in September.

Used items may be brought to the church Nov. 12-19. No clothes, shoes or jewelry.

The FLCW program will be at 1:15 p.m. Nov. 12. A thank offering will be received.

Holidays Ahead will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 22, with coffee and goodies from 8 to 10:30 a.m. and lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The meeting was closed by praying in unison a prayer by Martin Luther.


St. John’s Auxiliary

St. John’s Auxiliary met at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 20 in St. John’s Chapel. President Caroline Sorenson welcomed everyone. “Jesus Loves Me” was sung accompanied by Irene Goskeson on piano.

Treasurer LeAnn Knutson gave the treasurer’s report. It was put on file for audit.

Volunteer coordinator Carla Reichel reported 975 volunteer hours for September.

Activities for the month of November are a singalong with John Ullans Monday, music with Dunnell Saturday, Veterans Day Nov. 11 and lutefisk in Emmons at 10:15 a.m., music by Richie Z Nov. 14, music by Robert Coates Nov. 21, the Amazing Hoopers at 10:30 a.m. Nov. 22, Thanksgiving Day Nov. 27 and music by Kent Larsen Nov. 28.

Vice President Jan Jerdee read the 14 names of residents celebrating October birthdays. The happy birthday song was sung.

Churches thanked for serving Sunday coffee were Emmons Lutheran, Concordia Pickerel Lake, Hayward and Bear Lake Lutheran.

Sunday escort servers were Ascension, Hayward and Trinity.

The program was provided by Tim O’Shields, minister of music, worship and arts at First Lutheran Church in Albert Lea. He had several scripture readings and led in singing many hymns. The residents thoroughly enjoyed it.

The meeting was adjourned.