
Published 9:00 am Sunday, November 30, 2014

Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary

The Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary met Nov. 15 at the Freeborn American Legion Hall. President Sandy Anderson called the meeting to order. The American flag pledge and the auxiliary pledge were recited. Sandy also read a prayer. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. It was motioned and approved to donate to the Freeborn Area Hospice program.

Old business consisted of Anderson announcing that the Veterans Day cards had been sent, the tax return had been filed and that there were still five members who needed to renew their membership. New business began with a discussion on how the community coffee time had gone that morning. It was decided to do it again next year. The starting time of 8:30 a.m. worked out well.

Email newsletter signup

The community sewing date will begin at 10 a.m. Jan. 7. This will take place at the Freeborn Legion Hall and all are welcome to come. A potluck follows the sewing. No sewing abilities are needed. If you can tie a knot, you can help!

Viola Krogsgaard announced that she has various items ready to be sent off to the veterans hospital and veterans home.

The next item of business was the events taking place Sunday. These will start with Santa coming at 3 p.m. (sponsored by the Freeborn American Legion) and during this time cookies and coffee will be served by the Auxiliary. Following Santa will be the hospice tree lighting ceremony which will take place at 4:30 p.m. The potluck/bingo party sponsored by the Auxiliary will conclude the evening.

The Auxiliary’s annual soup and pie will begin at 4 p.m. Jan. 17 at the Freeborn Legion Hall. Evelyn Neubauer will make the chili and Val Seipp will make the vegetable beef and the turkey noodle. Sonja Honstad will call members to donate pies and/or desserts. The department president is planning on attending.

A discussion was held concerning the coffee shop donation recipients. It was decided to leave the list as is. Anderson will give a new list to Lela Peterson who is in charge of the coffee shop. The members would like to thank Peterson and the other volunteers that take care of this community event which takes place Monday through Friday. Everyone is welcome to stop in for coffee, hot chocolate, tea, pastries and conversation. The hours of operation are from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Freeborn Community Building.

Anderson asked members to be thinking of any girls for Girls State candidates and any boys for Boys State candidates. She will use the same format as last year to send out to the candidates. She then talked about some of the Auxiliary programs and what they use the donations for, such as the gift shop and $5 bill shower.

Anderson then read a humorous Thanksgiving story. She announced that there will be no December meeting. With no other business, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be Jan. 17.


Conger 4-H Club

Conger 4-H Club met Nov. 17 at the Conger Community Center for its annual banquet.  Buyers from the Freeborn County Fair Livestock Auction were thanked again for supporting 4-H, and they were the special guests. A pork loin supper was enjoyed before Key Leader Mary Chicos gave out awards. Retiring officers were recognized and the adult leaders were thanked for their years of service. Chicos was also thanked for serving as key leader for the club for many years. Clover Buds and members were recognized for their accomplishments throughout the year for club, county and state activities and awards. An installation ceremony was held for the 2015 club officers.


Trinity Lutheran Church Women

Trinity Lutheran Church Women had their annual Thankoffering and Ingathering Dinner Nov. 11 in Trinity Hall. The welcome was given by Co-president Bev Jackson Cotter. She said, “During the season of Thanksgiving, take time for God and look for the good. Also, take time to laugh, play, love and be friendly to others.”

Jackson and Pat Goldman gave a brief overview of their trip to the Triennial Gathering July 24-27 in Charlotte, N.C. Cotter said, “It was a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.” There was $14,785 in gift cards received, 15,877 minutes of phone cards, 6,635 toiletries, 3,716 pairs of socks and underwear; 118 quilt kits, 116 quilts and 1,508 prayer shawls were given to ministries.

Goldman said, “Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton from Ohio addressed those attending the Triennial, there were about 2,000 people in attendance. $75,000 was given to the malaria campaign from WELCA. She said most immigrant children are here to escape gang murder, the parents are threatened that the children will be murdered if the parents don’t send their children to North America. Children come with their mothers or just with names sewn into their clothing.”

Author Susan Sparks was one of the keynote speakers at the Triennial. She said, “If you can laugh at yourself, you can forgive yourself. If you can forgive yourself, you can forgive others.” She further suggested that humor is the WD40 and the duct tape of life! Becca Stevens was the second keynote speaker. She is an Episcopal priest and founder of Magdalene & Thistle Farms in Nashville. It is a community and social enterprise that stands with women recovering from violence, prostitution and addiction and life on the streets.

Both Goldman and Cotter agreed the Triennial Gathering was an event everyone should experience. The 10th Triennial Gathering is scheduled to be July 13-16, 2017, in Minneapolis.

The Rev. Marcia Hall gave the devotions and the table prayer. The dinner was catered by Greg Anderson, Trinity custodian, and was served by family and friends.

After the dinner, everyone gathered the Thankoffering collections and Mission Circle offerings.

The Rev. Curtis Zieske presented the Bible study, “Transformation Takes Time,” a portion of the Exodus deliverance story. The TLCW members participated in the reading of the scriptures.

A short meeting was conducted by Cotter. Copies of the treasurer’s report were placed on each table and Nanciana Jensen, treasurer, commented on them.

The TLCW Christmas meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday. A lunch will be served by the Elizabeth Circle and a short meeting will follow. Albert Lea High School will perform their Christmas concert at 2:30 p.m.

Zeiske installed the following officers for the year 2015: Co-presidents Cotter and Barb Larson, Vice President Karen Nelson, Secretary LaVonne Eggers, Treasurer Nancianna Jensen, Mission Community Secretary Phyllis Tavis, Mission Growth Secretary Janet Drews and Mission Action Secretary Jo Meyer.

Meyer is replacing Virginia Plantage who did not seek another term. Plantage has served many, many years in different capacities at Trinity.

The Mission Circles will remain the same for 2015. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.


Lodge No. 44

Lodge No. 44 met Nov. 8 at Bohemian Brick Hall. Lodge No. 44 hosted the Albert Lea Community Band, conducted by Laverne Walheim, in ordinance of Veterans Day and they were very much enjoyed by all in attendance. The band started out playing “Star Spangled Banner,” followed by three polkas: “Pivo Cervene (Red Beer Polka),” “Barushka (Barbara Polka)” and Clarinet Polka; “Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful);” “Armed Forces Salute: The Cassion Song (The Army Goes Rolling Along);” “Coast Guard: Semper Paratus (Always Ready);” “Marine Corps: The Marine Corps Hymn;” “Air Force: Off We Go into the Wild Blue Yonder;” and “Navy: Anchors Aweigh.” The Washington Post and Stars and Stripes Forever marches were also played. Lodge member Bonnie Belshan announced each song and gave a brief history of each. Kolaches, baked by Marie Krikava, and refreshments were served following the concert.

Lodge members met for a brief meeting after the luncheon. Vice President Dan Belshan presided over the meeting and discussed upcoming events. Treasurer Dennis Rayman gave the financial report for the month and Joe Pacovsky gave the secretary’s report. Members collected food for the Food Shelf and donated to the Salvation Army Food Shelf. The next lodge meeting will be at 5 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Czech Inn and Retreat. The meeting will be a potluck supper and members are invited to attend and bring a dish to pass.


St. John’s Auxiliary

St. John’s Auxiliary met at 10:30 a.m. Nov. 17 in St. John’s chapel. President Caroline Sorenson welcomed everyone a read Psalm 7. Irene Goskeson led on the piano in singing “Now Thank We All Our God.”

Auxiliary Secretary Bonnie Schneider read the minutes of the October meeting. Treasurer LeAnn Knutson gave her report. The reports were approved.

The volunteer coordinator reported 917 volunteer hours for October. She also announced the upcoming activities for December: Christmas shopping day third week, the family Christmas party from 5 to 7 p.m. Dec. 10, the Christmas pageant at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 24 and the New Year’s Eve party at 2 p.m. Dec. 31. She also said Christmas decorating was all day Monday. There will be 22 trees decorated throughout St. John’s.

Vice President Jan Jerdee read the 14 names of residents who celebrated November birthdays and everyone sang the birthday song.

Churches thanked for serving Sunday coffee were Salem Lutheran, Central Freeborn and Grace Lutheran.

The program was provided by Goskeson on piano and a singalong led by members of the staff.

The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.