
Published 9:00 am Sunday, April 24, 2016

Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary

The Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary had its monthly meeting on Saturday at Freeborn Legion Hall. President Sandy Anderson called the meeting to order. The pledges were recited, and Anderson read a prayer. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given and approved as read. Anderson presented a bill for the mailing of the annual reports and that she would need stamps. It was motioned and approved to reimburse her plus with money to buy more stamps.

The auxiliary charter was undraped in the memory of Norma Jones. Anderson conducted the ceremony.

Email newsletter signup

Anderson announced that the auxiliary reports had been completed and mailed in. We will not be sponsoring a girl to attend girls state this year. No response was received back from the candidates.

The group discussed its No Bake Sale fundraiser again this year. Anderson will include this in the May newsletter.

Anderson read from the department mailings how beneficial it is to support the gift shop program for the veterans. This year they were able to serve over 1,600 veterans, over 1,000 spouses and 175 children. She also showed the bulletin concerning the benefit for Scott Fredrickson, who is the son of the Department President Sandy Fredrickson. It will be May 7 at the Moose Lodge in Albert Lea.

The election of officers was held with the following results: President Sandy Anderson, Secretary Joan Peterson and Treasurer and Membership Chairwoman Evelyn Neubauer. These offices are for a two-year term.

The poppies that the group ordered have arrived. Anderson and another auxiliary member will start going door to door the beginning of May.

There will be no May meeting, so the next meeting will be in September.

With no other business, the meeting was adjourned.