Streater tournament attracts 44 golfers
Published 12:00 am Friday, July 30, 1999
The annual Streater Junior Golf Classic was held Monday at Green Lea Golf Course in Albert Lea.
Friday, July 30, 1999
The annual Streater Junior Golf Classic was held Monday at Green Lea Golf Course in Albert Lea. A total of 44 boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 18 participated. Streater Store Fixtures provided lunch, prizes, trophies and a drawing for a junior membership in the year 2000.
Here are the top placewinners, by division:
* Boys 16-18 – 1. Justin Bennett, 74; 2. Mike Elseth, 79; 3. Dustin Baldwin, 86;
* Boys 14-15 – 1. Dan Breuer, 78; Matt Tubbs, 79 and Robert Moseley, 79; 4. Adam Boelter, 80;
* Boys 12-13 – 1. Ryan Trasamar, 78; 2. Adam Elseth, 81; 3. Tyler Hegwood, 85; 4. Jon Breuer, 92;
* Boys 11 and under – 1. Alex Lair, 43; 2. John Trasamar, 44; 3. Joshua Jordahl, 49; 4. Garrett Larson, 56;
* Girls 14-15 – 1. Brittany Bertilson, 83; 2. Jasey Porter, 120;
* Girls 12-13 – 1. Catie Rebelein, 122; 2. Kelsey Walton. 148.