School elections coming

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 21, 1999

From staff reports

Only two school districts in the Albert Lea region will have school board seats up for election Nov.

Thursday, October 21, 1999

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Only two school districts in the Albert Lea region will have school board seats up for election Nov. 2.

Filings have for school board elections closed in the United South Central and New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva school districts. Elections are coming up Nov. 2.

There are three seats open for the USC district, one in each precinct. Running for the four-year terms are incumbents, John Skare, south precinct; Ron Korn, Wells precinct; and Pat Staloch, north precinct.

There are also three four-year terms available with NRHEG. Two incumbents, Richard Chicos and Gretchen Supalla have filed, as well as Joan M. Richards.

The Albert Lea, Glenville-Emmons and Alden-Conger school districts all have no seats up for election. The G-E board will, however, appoint someone to a vacant seat.