Pro Bowl trip cancelled
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 11, 1999
From staff reports
Many Albert Lea residents won’t be going to the Pro Bowl in Hawaii this February, due to a disagreement between Nolander Broadcasting and Big Dreams, Inc.
Thursday, November 11, 1999
Many Albert Lea residents won’t be going to the Pro Bowl in Hawaii this February, due to a disagreement between Nolander Broadcasting and Big Dreams, Inc. concerning disbursement of travel funds.
The travel package was offered in Albert Lea between March 26 and March 28, 1999 at the Home Show and at Albert Lea Hy-Vee on April 1, 1999.
In a written statement, Nolander Broadcasting announced the decision to refund participants’ deposits was made jointly by Nolander Broadcasting and Big Dreams, Inc.
Mitch Chirchick of Big Dreams, Inc., a foundation that offers sports travel packages and donates a portion of revenues to sports programs, estimated that 500 to 600 tickets were refunded, worth $350,000 to $400,000.
The disagreement arose over deposits that were to be made to secure the trip.
&uot;By mutual agreement, these deposits were to be paid directly to the resorts and airlines involved with the Pro Bowl trip,&uot; Nolander broadcasting stated. &uot;Without anyone having firm confirmations for hotels or airlines, Nolander Broadcasting did not feel we had the authority to release the money directly to Big Dreams.&uot;
Chirchick said deposits were to be released to Big Dreams, Inc. rather than with airlines or resorts, &uot;at which point, if there were any processing fees, we’d take it then.&uot;
He stated this had been the arrangement with all previous ventures between Big Dreams and Nolander Broadcasting. He also said that Nolander Broadcasting was shown reservation arrangements in July, and confirmations were sent to participants in August.
Both companies expressed regret for any inconvenience people have suffered as a result of the cancellations. The companies have been working together to ensure that all money from the trip is refunded.
Nolander Broadcasting declared that based on the records in their possession, all money from tickets sold at the Home Show and at Albert Lea Hy-Vee had been refunded as of Nov. 3.
Nolander Broadcasting &uot;realizes this decision changes many people’s winter travel plans, but feels it was the right decision based on the current circumstances,&uot; the statement reads.
Chirchick said that Big Dreams, Inc. has reinstated the trip with modifications and as of this time, approximately 20 people from Albert Lea will be participating in the Pro Bowl package. He said the cost would be &uot;a couple hundred bucks more&uot; than that originally offered, due in part to changing ticket prices. &uot;We’re just happy to try to accommodate as many people as we can.&uot; said Chirchick.
Prior to the Pro Bowl package, Nolander Broadcasting and Big Dreams Inc. had worked together to offer 11 sports oriented travel packages in Albert Lea.
Nolander Broadcasting asks that anyone who has not received their refund from the Pro Bowl package contact them at 377-9682.
Big Dreams, Inc. can be contacted at (612) 359-9569.