Veteran’s Day program set

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 10, 1999

From staff reports

On Veteran’s Day Thursday at approximately 9:30 a.

Wednesday, November 10, 1999

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On Veteran’s Day Thursday at approximately 9:30 a.m., a combined veteran color guard will present the colors at Southwest Junior High School. The program will consist of addresses by Eldon Schmitt and Al Brooks. High School diplomas will then be presented to those World War II veterans who left school to join the service.

At 10:30 a.m., a combined color guard will march from the American Legion Post Home to the Freeborn County Courthouse. At 11 a.m., the Raising of the Colors will take place along with Volley Fire and Taps to honor the deceased veteran. Following the ceremony a short program will be held inside the Old Courthouse.

At noon, a lunch and a short program will be held at the American Legion Clubroom.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend all the festivities.


City, county, state and federal offices, plus the Albert Lea Public Library, will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 11, to observe Veterans Day.

Albert Lea Postmaster Robert Riess has announced that the local post office will observe Veterans Day Nov. 11, as a holiday. There will be no window services or mail delivery on Thursday. Express Mail and Special Delivery Mail will be delivered. Mail will be sorted to the post office boxes by 9:30 a.m. and the lobby will be open all day for customer convenience. Mail will be collected from collection boxes 15 minutes earlier than usually scheduled. Out-of-town mail will be dispatched at 3:50 p.m. and 4:55 p.m.

Normal mail services will resume on Friday, Nov. 12.