District approves teacher contract

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 22, 1999

The school board has approved a two-year contract with the teacher’s union, the Albert Lea Education Association.

Wednesday, December 22, 1999

The school board has approved a two-year contract with the teacher’s union, the Albert Lea Education Association.

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The contract for the 1999 to 2001 school years provides a 1 percent salary increase for the 1999-2000 school year, with steps for those who are eligible.

In the 2000-2001 school year, it provides a 3 percent increase with steps for those who are eligible.

Also, for the school year 1999-2000 any teacher with more than 17 years of service with the district will be eligible for a $500 bonus based on step placement. In 2000-2001, any teacher with 22 years in the district will be eligible for an additional $500 bonus.

Severance pay is converted to a maximum of 130 accumulated disability days, under the contract. The normal 80-day severance pay required in old contracts was eliminated.

A similar contract for administrative personnel was also approved by the school board Monday. The salary increase schedule is the same as for teachers for both years. A 403(b) retirement plan was approved, calling for the district’s matching contribution to increase to the maximum of $2,000 per year for the years 2000 and 2001.

Severance pay for administrators was also converted to disability days. New administrators would not be eligible for severance, according to the agreement.

School district finance director Mark Stotts and members of the school board complimented members of both bargaining organizations for their professionalism during the contract negotiations.

&uot;I’ve heard horror stories from other districts about contract talks,&uot; Stotts said. &uot;But, it wasn’t the case here. Everyone was really great to work with and it shows that we all have a professional, respectful attitude for one another.&uot;

&uot;It was really great to see the district and the unions working together to come to an agreement,&uot; said Prescott. &uot;Neither the school district nor the bargaining units felt it necessary to have lawyers present at the table, which shows that we all are willing to work together.&uot;

Both contracts were approved by the school board Monday.