Get the facts

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 19, 1999

From staff reports

Open enrollment is an important option for parents, but likely one most families don’t have to give much thought to.

Sunday, December 19, 1999

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Open enrollment is an important option for parents, but likely one most families don’t have to give much thought to. Chances are, most families are happy with the schools in their own community, and do not have to turn elsewhere.

For others, however, open enrollment offers a valuable alternative for any number of reasons.

Some turn to open enrollment because they live in one community, but work in another. Others may do so because they like another district’s reported class sizes, test results or program offerings.

The important thing is for families to consider their options carefully.

While open enrollment advertisements have appeared in this newspaper, as well as on local radio, it seems fair to offer a few suggestions.

Most importantly, get the facts.

For example, the state offers fairly comprehensive information about its school districts online – – for anyone to see. Within that site – at – parents can review graduation test results for any school district by grade, for example.

Another way to become better acquainted with a school district is to take a tour, or ask to sit in on your child’s class, or any class. This is a good idea for parents regardless of open enrollment considerations. School districts will welcome it.

Open enrollment ads or other forms of public relations efforts cannot provide all the facts; once interested, it is up to parents to be sure their decision is best for their children.