Editorial: Board must fill void Smith leaves

Published 12:00 am Monday, February 19, 2001

It was bound to happen.

Monday, February 19, 2001

It was bound to happen. Things have been rough in Freeborn County for long enough now that some casualties were inevitable. Now, the county is losing its top employee.

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Make no mistake, Gene Smith would probably not have stayed in Freeborn County forever. But it seems clear that the county’s difficult time being decisive played a major role in pushing Smith out the door before his time. Smith’s comments about why he plans to resign leave little room for another interpretation.

It’s partly a rebuke of the endless strife we’ve seen over the last few years. It’s a wake-up call to those who manage to believe Freeborn County has a chance of moving forward as long as such divisiveness exists.

But it’s also a challenge to the county board to take the bull by the horns and return the county government to the cooperative and progressive principles that give it hope for the future.

Smith was not liked by everyone; but few effective leader are. It’s impossible to accomplish anything controversial without stepping on toes. But all accounts are that Smith’s leadership style was one that focused on getting things done, finding solutions for the greater good, and moving on. It’s an example from which anyone can learn.

The county is losing a skilled and experienced administrator, but it need not be a crippling loss – as long as the county can turn things around.

The courthouse issue lies at the root of the problem. A tremendous amount of hope rests with the new county board to find a suitable way to solve it, to take action, and to finally clear the air.

Gene Smith will be missed by Freeborn County. Now it’s time to fill the leadership void he will leave. Who will accept the challenge?