Bills piled up as session winds down

Published 12:00 am Monday, May 14, 2001

With one week remaining in the legislative session, both houses still have several bills on the docket, and Sen.

Monday, May 14, 2001

With one week remaining in the legislative session, both houses still have several bills on the docket, and Sen. Grace Schwab will spend most of her week on the Senate chamber floor.

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Schwab, R-Albert Lea, said the Senate has 75 bills to hear this week including several crucial proposals including soy-diesel, handgun permits, seat belt restrictions and a stadium for the Minnesota Twins.

In addition to bills on the agenda, Schwab said conference committees will also convene to work out compromises over huge omnibus budget bills such as transportation, taxes and education funding.

But the conference committees are still waiting for spending targets, currently in negotiations with Gov. Jesse Ventura, Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe and Speaker of the House Steve Sviggum. Despite meetings over the weekend, the three sides were unable to reach agreement, Schwab said.

&uot;It’s not only dollars that are separating them, but policy differences as well,&uot; Schwab said. &uot;We need those targets before the conference committees can do anything.&uot;

Rep. Dan Dorman, R-Albert Lea, said he will also spend most of the week on the floor voting on bills. He said the legislative process is at least one week behind a normal pace.

&uot;I think we can overcome that with some long hours and smart compromises,&uot; Dorman said. &uot;Hopefully we can avoid the need for a special session, but not without willingness to give some ground.&uot;

Dorman hopes the Twins stadium bill doesn’t slow the pace of the week too much.

&uot;It is going to complicate things because stadium bills bring out the most partisanship,&uot; he said.