Groups pledge cooperation to promote city
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 17, 2001
Two groups with common goals of preserving Albert Lea’s character and improving the city’s appearance are joining forces.
Friday, August 17, 2001
Two groups with common goals of preserving Albert Lea’s character and improving the city’s appearance are joining forces.
Members of Destination Albert Lea turned out in force Thursday to examine beautification plans developed by the First Impressions Committee. By the end of the town hall meeting, the groups pledged to assist each other.
&uot;I think we have many of the same concerns for Albert Lea,&uot; said Jean Eaton, chairwoman of the First Impressions Committee. &uot;Let’s not both reinvent the wheel when we can work together.&uot;
Karen Meyerson of Destination Albert Lea, an organization recently formed to preserve Albert Lea’s downtown, echoed Eaton’s suggestion.
&uot;We both want people to get up in the morning and decide to spend the day in Albert Lea. We should consider working together on these goals,&uot; Meyerson said. &uot;Downtown is the most important area for bringing people here, and I think these beautiful designs will help this city to accomplish that.&uot;
Members of both groups voiced their approval for the beautification designs, presented by landscape architecture student and summer intern Jessica Arneson. But First Impressions member Randy Kerr said the plans are meaningless without support from the public. He complimented the Destination Albert Lea group for attending the meeting and showing interest.
&uot;It will take the people in this room and countless others to make these projects happen,&uot; he said. &uot;It’s one thing to have drawings, but to make them happen will take people’s involvement.&uot;
The importance of volunteers became evident as Arneson outlined the details of her design projects during her Power Point presentation. She said the total cost of materials alone would approach $250,000. Without volunteer labor, the costs could nearly double.
&uot;I’m thinking the way to fund these projects, or any others that the committee dreams up, is through private donations and business sponsorships,&uot; Arneson said.
Eaton said she hoped interest surveys distributed at the meeting would clarify what projects were of greatest interest, as well as who would like to volunteer. Destination Albert Lea also circulated a sign-up list.
Don Johnson, a downtown attorney who has attended Destination Albert Lea meetings, said he was intrigued by many of Arneson’s ideas, particularly the Water Street plaza.
&uot;They’re all good ideas. I think the public will really back these plans,&uot; he said. &uot;It’s going to boil down to funding, though.&uot;
Johnson said the role of the city will determine the success of both the beautification projects and the drive to preserve downtown.
&uot;If we find some funding, and make sure we have the volunteers, it will carry a lot more weight when we eventually go to the city for approval and help,&uot; Johnson said.
The next meeting of Destination Albert Lea will be Aug. 28 at 5:15 p.m. at the Albert Lea Art Center. First Impressions will meet again Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. at Riverland Community College.