Wild welcome

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 15, 2001

Photo by Jeff Mulfinger

Members of the Minnesota Wild met their fans, signed autographs and posed for pictures during the 2001 Wells Fargo Wild Road Tour Tuesday at the Albert Lea Wells Fargo.

Wednesday, August 15, 2001

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Members of the Minnesota Wild met their fans, signed autographs and posed for pictures during the 2001 Wells Fargo Wild Road Tour Tuesday at the Albert Lea Wells Fargo. Above, Wild players Stacy Roest, left, and Jim Dowd pose with Barbara Carlson, 10, Eric Carlson, 7, and Matthew Carlson, 4, while their mother Cheryl takes pictures. Neal Broten, the Wild’s Grass Roots Hockey Advisor, signs autographs at the other end of the table.