Those who give are the core of the United Way

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 1, 2001

They say there is strength in numbers and this certainly holds true for the United Way of Freeborn County.

Monday, October 01, 2001

They say there is strength in numbers and this certainly holds true for the United Way of Freeborn County. Building a strong community takes everyone’s effort and participation. We rely on over 300 volunteers to help raise awareness and dollars to support the needs of our 16 agencies through the United Way.

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However, our efforts only begin with our campaign volunteers and they truly end with you – the backbone of our team. Contributions given through your donations strengthen our community’s foundation and provide hope for any one of us facing a crisis situation or needing a helping hand.

So far 20 percent of our $500,000 goal has been reached and we hope you will give more by participating in our October Retail Month. From today through the end of October, numerous retailers will be providing all or a portion of their receipts during a selected time and day to the United Way of Freeborn County. Retail Month begins on Thursday, Oct. 4, when Burger King will provide 20 percent of their proceeds to the United Way of Freeborn County. Others throughout the month include Lakeside Cafe & Creamery, Hanson Tire, Leutholds, Taco Bell, Bagels & Beans, Blockbuster, Texaco, Philly’s and Cafe Don’L. Thanks to these retailers for supporting the United Way. If you would like to be part of Retail Month, call the United Way office at 373-8670.

In the meantime we are pleased to hear of the many workplace campaigns underway. We encourage you to have fun as you raise funds. From duct taping co-workers to parking lot tricycle races, businesses have created an enthusiastic environment and continually bring attention to the importance of giving and supporting our community. Thank you to CEOs and business leaders who have provided workers with the freedom to develop attention-getter campaigns.

&uot;Real People, Real Lives, Real Results,&uot; it means all of us working together to make a sound investment in our community.