Column: United Way getting near its fund-raising goal for the year

Published 12:00 am Monday, December 10, 2001

We’re just tipping at 90 percent meaning almost $450,000 has been pledged for the 2001 United Way Campaign.

Monday, December 10, 2001

We’re just tipping at 90 percent meaning almost $450,000 has been pledged for the 2001 United Way Campaign. Thank you. Many of you have given more this year and recognize how important your gift is, particularly this year. Please, if you haven’t made your pledge, we encourage you to give soon. Let’s make this another year when our 16 agencies can count on receiving the funds they need to continue programs and services friends, neighbors and relatives count on every day in Freeborn County. None of us ever know when the Red Cross will play a role in our lives, the Salvation Army or the Albert Lea Family Y, just to name a few.

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The last two weeks the campaign has focused its efforts on distribution and signing of the children’s book distributed to pre-school age children through second grade in Freeborn County. From &uot;Can I keep this book?&uot; to &uot;You mean this book is mine to take home?&uot; were just a few of the comments made by young people in the classroom when companies like Schweigert, Wal-Mart, Streater, Progress Castings and others presented a signed book to a young person. We hope this new focus on literacy will provide a positive impact to young people in our community, signifying the United Way’s support of reading opportunities for every child and beginning a younger awareness of what United Way does in Freeborn County in partnership with our many business and industries.

Your increased gift has provided true meaning to hundreds of young people. It’s another way your contribution has made a real difference in someone’s life.

In closing, the end result of our campaign begins and ends with the people of Freeborn County. Giving what you can give will make a difference no matter how small. Let’s reach $500,000 before Christmas. What an exciting way it would be to end 2001.

Pam Bishop is the campaign chairwoman for the United Way of Freeborn County.