Editorial: Olympics are a source of pride for America
Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 14, 2002
Tribune staff editorial
The 2002 Winter Olympics are reminding Americans why they live in this country and why we continue to fight terrorism.
Thursday, February 14, 2002
The 2002 Winter Olympics are reminding Americans why they live in this country and why we continue to fight terrorism.
Need proof?
The opening ceremonies hit a record for viewers. About 75 million people worldwide tuned in to not only see the lighting of the Olympic flame, but to also again pay homage to the thousands of people killed on Sept. 11. It seems more than coincidence that the Olympic games were held in the United States during the same year that terror struck.
No American can deny the pride they felt when the tattered flag used at the World Trade Center made its way into the Olympic circle and clutched by firefighters who lost &uot;brothers&uot; during the tragedy.
And pride in America should also be stoked by the U.S. team’s success so far, already raking in 10 medals – making them a sure bet to beat the country’s record of 13 for a Winter Olympics.
Beyond the glitz and glamour of such a worldly event, there is a distinct undertone of patriotism that will be felt throughout the games and long after the flame is extinguished.
These Olympics are special, and everyone in the nation should watch and, again, take pride in being an American.