Could it have been prevented?

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 7, 2002

From staff reports

A look at the reports of abuse on Makaio Radke and how police and the county responded:&t;!—-&t;.

Thursday, March 07, 2002

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A look at the reports of abuse on Makaio Radke and how police and the county responded:

– On Feb. 28, 2001, county human services department social worker Tammy Ressler received a report from Albert Lea Medical Center regarding possible abuse on Makaio Radke.

Dr. Mohammed G. Soud thought two bruises on the baby’s cheeks could not have been inflicted by an accident as mother Peggy Radke, who brought him to the hospital, thought.

Ressler visited 505 Johnson St. on March 2. She found the mother was cooperative with the investigation and was interacting with her children well. Makaio was just learning how to walk, and Peggy’s explanation that bruises on his body might be from falling seemed to be plausible.

– On March 22, another report came in from Albert Lea Police Department and the hospital. This time father Matthew Alan Radke brought the baby for a mark on his left foot that he said looked like a burn.

Matthew Radke had separated from Peggy Radke in January. While their two children stayed with Peggy, Matthew was granted custody every Wednesday night and every other weekend.

A Second visit by Ressler was on March 26. Peggy’s explanation about the mark on the baby’s foot was hand-foot-mouth disease. She said she had contacted the hospital asking about the symptom. Again, Ressler concluded that there was not enough information to prove any abuse.

During both visits Paul Gutierrez was at home. &uot;I am just a friend of Peggy,&uot; he told Ressler. And she did not discover that Gutierrez was living at the residence.

– On April 11, 10 days before Makaio’s death, Matthew took the baby again to the police. He had some dry skin behind his right ear and bruises on the back of his head.

– On April 13, ALPD officer Darren Hanson took photographs of the baby at 505 Johnson St. after receiving a report from a Guardian Ad Litem member, appointed by the court for assessing the welfare status of children.

– County social worker Lisa Frank made a visit around 11 a.m. on April 20 to check Makaio. The following morning just before she found Makaio dead, Peggy Radke called Guardian Ad Litem reporting some bruises on her daughter’s bottom.