Neighbors protest planned 3,000-hog facility

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 25, 2002

Some residents in Bath Township are vocal in their concern about a new hog facility planned in the neighborhood.

The facility proposed by David Hanson would consist of three 51-by-168-foot confinement barns to house 1,000 swine between 55 and 300 pounds in each barn.

Thirteen residents submitted a petition to the county claiming the facility would affect the value of their properties and that the location of the site is inappropriate.

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During Tuesday’s county board meeting, Everett Thompson, one of the petitioners, said his residence is located within a third of a mile from the proposed site, while Hanson’s house is further than that. He pointed out at least six houses will be closer to the facility than Hanson’s, which he said is unfair.

The petitioners want Hanson to consider choosing a site closer to his house. But Hanson said a regulation requiring farmers to keep sites 300 feet from a ditch and 200 feet from a road makes it impossible to have enough space anywhere other than the proposed location.

The board decided to table the issue until its next meeting on May 7, and promised to examine whether there would be any alternative.