Shop’s owners hopeful for future
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 11, 2002
Gwen Hanson and Janice Tukua hear the comment a lot: &uot;I hear you’re closing.&uot;
But that’s the last thing the owners of The Heart of the Artichoke want. While they’d both like to retire this year, their dream is to sell the gift and antique shop lock, stock and barrel.
Many people have come to consider the store an Albert Lea institution since its founding in 1968.
&uot;People like the mix of antiques and giftware,&uot; Hanson said. &uot;We’ve had tour buses pull in here. People bring their guests here when they’re out shopping. It’s a stop people like to make.&uot;
The shop opened its doors at 222 E. Clark St. on Nov. 14, 1968. The owners were Hazel Thorgrimsen and Nancy Wright. Over the years, the shop has had as many as a dozen shareholders. Tukua has been an owner for 30 years, and Hanson for 22. It’s been just the two owners together since 1995.
They’ve loved running the store, they said.
&uot;It’s a part of our lives,&uot; Hanson said.
&uot;It’s part of our blood,&uot; Tukua added. &uot;We think about this 24 hours a day.&uot; They’ve had faithful employees, Betty Nevins and Lucille Gripentrog, who have helped them keep it going.
The owners said they’re sure the secret to the shop’s success has been its vast selection of items, from dolls, moderately priced pictures and giftware to collectibles, as well as antiques. There is also a large display of Scandinavian items.
Tukua said people have looked at the store, and one person has expressed interest, but would like to get in as a partner and run it like it has been in the past, as a sort of cooperative.
&uot;But we want to sell it,&uot; Tukua said. &uot;If someone doesn’t step forward soon, we will have to starting selling things off.&uot;
Until the time they may have to make that decision, the store is full and they continue to get in new merchandise in.
&uot;We still take consignments and sell antiques for people,&uot; Tukua said. &uot;But we’re not closing. We don’t want to close. We want to sell.&uot;