Sports briefs from around the area

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 18, 2002

NRHEG golf teams third in conference

JANESVILLE &045; The NRHEG golf teams placed third in the Gopher Conference tournament at Janesville Thursday.

Host Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton won the boys’ division with 320 strokes. Blooming Prairie had 331, NRHEG 341, Bethlehem Academy 378, Alden-Conger 385.

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Scoring for NRHEG: Tyler Moe 81, Chris Matthies 84, Jess Recknor 86, Bryan Kormann 90, Derek Chicos 100, Matt Harrington 103. For Alden-Conger: Tyler Hintz 93, Lee Haines 95, Jason Hemmingsen 98, Will Petersen 99, Dan Halverson 101, John Knutson 119.

Blooming Prairie was the girls’ champion with 398 strokes, one better than Bethlehem Academy.

The Panthers had 432, Alden-Conger 484.

NRHEG scoring: Mary Byron 99, Breanna Moe 109, Lindsey Langlie 110, Kristi Thompson 114, Kelly Schmidt 133, Tiffany Wayne 141. Alden-Conger scores: Melissa Ausen 118, Melissa Wessling 119, Jackie Ausen 123, Rachel Turnmire 124, Erika Schuster 137.

Hall of Fame game, banquet June 21-22

The annual festivities for the Freeborn County Fast-Pitch Softball Hall of Fame are fast approaching.

The Old-timers Game will be part of the Conger Centennial and will be played the night of Friday, June 21. The banquet will be the night of Saturday, June 22 at the Albert Lea Elks Club.

Letters will be mailed next week.

Volunteers are needed to get everything ready. For more information contact Dave Gilbertson at 373-0416.

Volleyball camp set for grades 4-6

The 2002 Tiger Volleyball Camp for campers going into grades 4, 5, and 6 will be held June 10-14 in the Albert Lea High School gym.

The camp is designed to immerse each athlete in the sport of volleyball while introducing fundamental skills and game strategies.

All participants will receive a T-shirt and have an opportunity to win prizes. Comfortable sport clothing and tennis shoes are required.

The camp will run from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.. The cost is $50 per athlete.

Campers must register through the Albert Lea Community Education Department before June 7.

Summer hockey registrations due

All area hockey players are reminded to turn in their registration fee for the 2002 Albert Lea Summer Hockey Camp set for July 22 to Aug. 2 at the City Arena.

There are no more openings for goaltenders in Squirts, PeeWees, Bantams and girls’ under 12.

Baseball, softball sign-up extended

The Albert Lea Parks and Recreation Department has extended the early bird sign-up until May 24 for Squirts (grades 4-5) and PeeWees (grades 6-8) baseball and softball.

Register at the Parks and Recreation office, 221 East Clark St.

Fee is $10 in town, $15 out of town. Spring training begins the week of May 13.

For more information call 377-4370.