Council goals include job creation, redevelopment of old Farmland site

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 26, 2003

During the city council’s retreat two weeks ago, they came up with long-term goals for the city and some dates by which to achieve them.

Job development, lake cleanup, new city celebrations and the old Farmland site are priorities in the plan, according to Mayor Jean Eaton.

They goals are:

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&045; Attract a large employer to Albert Lea by July 1, 2006.

&045; &045; Develop recruitment strategy by July 1, 2003.

&045; &045; Direct Port Authority to make the plan their number one goal

&uot;We’d like to see 1,000 or more jobs by that time,&uot; Eaton said. &uot;If we want to grow, we need to work on recruiting new businesses and helping existing ones.&uot;

&045; Have a plan for the best possible use for the Farmland site by December of 2008.

Eaton said that with a community-wide long-term plan being developed among the Chamber of Commerce, the county and the city, a program for the site will be developed. Eaton said the plan will call for public input for proposals for the site.

The length of time to achieve the goal is long because an environmental study and cleanup must be done on the land after demolition of the old plant is finished. That could take three to five years.

&045; Get a price tag for dredging Albert Lea Lake by the end of 2003.

&uot;This will fit hand in hand with figuring out what to do with the Farmland site,&uot; Eaton said. &uot;If dredging is affordable, then we might decide to make the site into a hotel or a convention and visitors’ center. If not it might take a different direction.&uot;

Eaton added that there are many rumors about the cost to clean up the lake, which an estimate would put an end to. She also said that the project, if affordable, will need some community work and commitment to find financing.

&045; Identify and remove three separate eyesores by May, 2004.

Eaton described one eyesore as the area near the boat landing and the city dog pound.

&045; Improve customer friendliness among city employees.

&uot;The city employees do an excellent job,&uot; Eaton said. &uot;As we move forward, we want to be the best we all can be. Any time you can get people opportunities for training, you are investing in your employees, and investing back into the community. This is something we’d like to do.&uot;

&045; Development of two city celebrations.

Tuesday afternoon, Eaton met with organizations from the community to discuss an event to celebrate the city in late summer.

She also mentioned that spring and winter celebrations that have been put on the table as options. The council has not specific plans on any events yet.

&045; A yearly evaluation of the progress of these plans.

&uot;We think it will be a way for the community to evaluate the work and progress of the city,&uot; Eaton said. &uot;It will be valuable for the city council, the city manager and the community to know where were are.&uot;

Eaton said the evaluation will be of how well the city is keeping on track with the council’s plan.