Wulff, Miller help meal service
Published 12:00 am Monday, March 10, 2003
Rosemary Wulff decided recently that it was time for somebody else to lead Meals on the Go.
Wulff had been the chairwoman of the group since 1974. LaDonna Nelson now holds that position. But Wulff still volunteers once a week; she now makes up the schedules and prints them out.
Wulff decided to get involved with a program like Meals on the Go after her mother was sick in Rochester during the early 1970s and a similar program provided her with meals. About the same time her daughter started school in 1974, the Meals on the Go program started in Albert Lea.
Wulff is proud that Meals on the Go allows seniors to live on their own longer and that they don’t have to live in a resident home.
&uot;People are a lot happier in their own house,&uot; she said. &uot;It’s very satisfying to know you helping somebody.&uot;
Irene Miller is one of the four original women who were involved with Meals on the Go when it started in 1973.
Miller is a driver and helps out when needed in other areas.
Miller has stayed in the program for so long because she likes knowing she is impacting seniors’ lives in a positive way.
&uot;There is such a need for (Meals on the Go),&uot; Miller said. &uot;The people we deliver to are so thankful.&uot;
Meals on the Go is completely staffed by volunteers and receives no government funding, unlike Meals on Wheels which receives money from the federal government.
If you are interested in volunteering with Meals on the Go call
LaDonna Nelson at 373-1086 or Rosemary Wulff at 373-4957.