ALHS golf boys await ruling

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 9, 2003

Coach Matt Addington and the Albert Lea High School boys’ golf team wanted to savor a key Big Nine victory over Rochester Century Thursday.

But they’ll have to wait until today.

The Tigers and Panthers completed 14 holes at Green Lea Golf Course when lightning suspended play. Who won the dual meet depends on whether scores are counted through nine or 14 holes, and Addington wasn’t expecting a ruling until sometime today.

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&uot;We have to go back to the Big Nine policy and check on whether we go back to nine holes or score it through 14,&uot; said Addington, who added that Green Lea Manager Jeff Elseth believes it will be scored through nine holes.

In that case, Albert Lea would win 158-160.

If scores are counted through 14 holes, Century would win by tiebreaker.

The Tigers’ scores for nine holes: Dan Breuer 37, Ben Jones 39, Josh Jones 41, Ross Stadheim 41, Matt Bennett 41 and Adam Elseth 42.

A victory would put the Tigers 7-0 in the Big Nine.

The Albert Lea junior varsity remained undefeated with a 159-179 victory. Scoring for the Tigers: Dan Moen 38, Jon Breuer 39, Cory Ellertson 40, Alex Lair 42, Beau Larson 45 and Mike Larson 46.

&uot;It was an interesting day,&uot; said Addington. &uot;You want to comment on the win or loss, and at this point we’re obviously thinking it’s a win. To get a victory against such a powerful team and perennial power in the conference and state is a real positive, regardless of the circumstances today. The kids played well on a wet, soggy course.&uot;

The Tigers travel to Mankato Tuesday for a Big Nine triangular with Owatonna and Mankato West.