Editorial: No-raise vote the right choice by commissioners

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 21, 2003

There’s no doubt the county commissioners work hard for their money. All the same, when they are asking departments which serve the residents of Freeborn County to tighten their belts; and they are asking the residents to understand there will be some reductions in services, it’s good to see them put their money where there mouth is, too. Leading by example is just the ticket to rally the residents around them.

Commissioner Dave Mullenbach understands one nugget of truth: salary can be an incentive for working class people to run for office. It’s an important point to remember that some very capable leaders have limited incomes and simply could not afford to make the time commitment required to run the county. Though it is an admirable thought, this is not the year such a rationale.

In these lean times, the board did the right thing by putting aside the raise issue for a year.

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Turning down a raise this year isn’t justification for doubling commissioner’s salaries next year, though. Many employees simply lose a raise rather than get a double dose the next. May the commissioners exercise extreme caution next year when they consider the topic again. It is highly unlikely the residents of the county will be rolling in luxury in a year. While we may be on the road to recovery, it typically takes a few years to reap the benefits of a positive economy.

Doubling salaries next year may cause considerable hard feelings, though residents will likely understand a reasonable increase, should our county leaders decide it’s necessary.