Editorial: School’s open drive with extra caution

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 8, 2004

We’ve been lucky so far, but all it takes is one moment of inattention to cause an accident.

School has started, and we urge all drivers to be attentive to the extra people on the roads &045; kids on bikes, walkers and school buses.

Not only are a lot of people trying to get to where they’re going &045; work, school, daycare and other places &045; but now that school has started, many are all trying to get there at the same time.

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Kids can dash out from between cars and bikers may swerve to get around parked vehicles. In a split-second, an injury can occur.

And then there are those buses. Sometimes when we’re in a hurry, it seems like they take forever as those youngsters get on and move to an open seat. The stop arm remains out until the driver is ready to roll again. It’s against the law to pass a bus with a stop arm extended. The fine can be hefty for those who do pass before the stop arm is brought back in.

So now that school has started, leave yourself plenty of time as you set out in the mornings and afternoons. That way drivers don’t have to get so stressed as they wait for buses, children and other vehicles on the road. And be patient. It’s much better to be two or three minutes late for a destination than to be tied up for a much longer period because of an accident.