Editorial: Count your blessings this holiday season
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 24, 2004
It’s easy some days to feel there is little to be thankful for &045; so many societal problems continue to plague the county, our state, county, city and individual lives.
But take a moment this Thanksgiving, to count your blessings, whatever that may include for you:
– Family &045; where would we be without the people who think we’re great, even when we know we aren’t.
– Health &045; ask anyone who is suffering: if they could just have their health back …
– Employment &045; a job we love, or that at least pays the bills is vital.
– Chldren &045; our own, others’ or grandchildren. They are so caught up in the moment, their joy in all things in life is contagious. Get caught up in their enjoyment of life.
– A vibrant, caring community &045; so much is going on in our area that will enhance our quality of life, so many people are making that happen.
– Neighbors who step in to help when least expected; this community is full of people who take the time to give to others.
– Friends &045; who always seem to know the right thing to say or do at just the right moment.