Editorial: Tribune echos student writers get out and vote

Published 12:00 am Monday, November 1, 2004

We’d like to echo the sentiments of the ninth-grade writers on today’s opinion page: everyone should get out and vote.

Imagine our country if we couldn’t vote. It wouldn’t be much different than other countries that don’t hold elections. We’d likely be oppressed, ruled by a dictator, with little hope for our own futures, let alone our childrens’ futures.

Many people use the excuse that their vote doesn’t matter, so why vote. First, it’s our responsibility as free citizens to vote; and this year in particular, Minnesota is a swing state &045; your vote very well could make a difference in who is elected at the presidential level.

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But even if you don’t buy that you could make a difference at the very top, consider the difference you could make at the local level. Glenville is considering Sunday liquor; there will be tight races in each of the three Freeborn County districts, as well as the mayor’s and city ward races.

And if you are a woman between the ages of 18 and 34 &045; there are 15 million who didn’t vote in the last election &045; think what a difference you would make if you voted.

Perhaps voting is like anything else in life: it’s not appreciated unless it is no longer possible. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to cast your vote and determine the outcome of this year’s election.