Editorial: Investments must be made in education

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 23, 2005

On the surface, Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s K-12 budget proposal seems like a good thing.

For the Albert Lea school district, this would mean $2.4 million in new state aid. During the 2005-06 school year, Albert Lea schools would receive $554.8 thousand or $162 per student over current projected levels and for 2006-07, $1.5 million or $469 per student over current projected levels. The district currently receives $4,601 per student every year.

But since funding has been frozen or cut in most areas of education for several years, the proposal still falls short. To keep up, the local district has been dipping into its reserves.

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Not a year goes by when there aren’t more mandates on education from state and local governments. That’s well and good, provided funding comes with them.

Education is the single most important investment we can make. We need to make sure it’s adequately funded.