Editorial: Greening Minnesota is good for business

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A marketer once said: &8220;It&8217;s better to be first than it is to be better.&8221;

The &8220;25 by 25&8221; Renewable Energy Act is merely one of several measures mulled in the Legislature this year for promoting clean energy in Minnesota.

The Global Warming Mitigation Act is another and one worth supporting. This bill helps Minnesota reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and be a leader in the country.

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By being a state in the forefront of clean energy, it helps Minnesota attract that industry. Texas was a leader in oil because that&8217;s where the oil was. The laws also were favorable to that industry. Minnesota can be a leader in renewable energy because this is where corn, wind and other resources are but also because we have a set of laws that put clean energy into practice.

We can become the launchpad for the clean energy industry.

The legislation set targets for reduction of greenhouse gases. The targets are 15 percent by 2015, 30 percent by 2025 and 80 percent by 2050. It also calls for a mandatory reporting system from facilities with air pollution permits.

With the invention of each new gizmo, the increase in homes, the increase in the size of homes, the increase in people and the trend of more gizmos needing to be on all the time, there is a bigger need for electricity. Minnesota&8217;s demand for electricity grows by 2 percent each year. If we continue, emissions in Minnesota would reach 84.7 million tons per year, according to members of Clean Energy Minnesota and the Izaak Walton League of America. Right now, emissions are at 59.3 million tons. It is hoped the legislation would result in a 14 percent reduction by 2025 from present levels.

Let&8217;s pass this legislation and allow other states to learn from Minnesota&8217;s example. We can make a difference in the quality of the world we pass on to future generations. And place Minnesota in the front of the renewable energy sector.