Editorial: Read this to your teenage driver

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If your teenager doesn&8217;t read newspaper editorials, today might be a good day to read the editorial to your teenager. They need to hear these statistics:

In Minnesota from 2003 to 2005 there were 163 teenager traffic deaths, of which about 60 percent did not wear seat belts.

But during the April-to-June seasons of prom and end of school, 36 teens were killed and 72 percent were not wearing seat belts.

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That means teenagers are disobeying Minnesota&8217;s seat belt law during this time of year.

And during April to June, 37 percent of the teenagers killed had been drinking. In fact, three teenagers died in a wreck near Fosston on prom night.

Don&8217;t be a statistic.

Teenagers, when you get behind the wheel of your car, make sure all your passengers buckle up. Obviously don&8217;t drink and drive. And don&8217;t allow drunken passengers in your automobile. You don&8217;t need the distraction while you are driving at night and you definitely don&8217;t need the job of being responsible for them. If they need a ride, call a taxi, call their parents or let them sleep at the home where they consumed alcohol. Never let them drink in your car.

If you want to be cool, be mature. Be the wise one.

Bad news doesn&8217;t always happen to someone else. It can happen to you. Don&8217;t put you, your parents, your classmates, the school district, the police, the medical staff and the newspaper reporters through something they don&8217;t want to be part of. Stay safe on prom night.