Column: A pandermania epidemic among Democrats
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 7, 2007
Michael Reagan, Making Sense
There&8217;s a little bit of the &8220;gimmie&8221; mentality in all of us, and it&8217;s that unattractive part of our psyche that demagogic politicians take aim at when trying to win our support.
The Democratic left wing (is there any other wing of that party nowadays?) is out in full hue and cry, hoping to evoke in the masses a deep yearning for whatever goodies the government can shell out. They think we all have our hands out and they strive to pledge to fill them with new and better government giveaways.
It&8217;s an interesting spectacle to watch as the various Democratic presidential wannabes try to move further left than any of their rivals in an effort to out-promise each other. Last week when Obama pitched his socialized medicine program, Hillary slipped around his left side with her Marxist solutions for every imaginable problem known to humankind (oops, I almost said the M word &8212; mankind).
As the battle rages we can expect to see the candidates break new ground as the travel farther and father left into territory even no Marxist has ever before trod. By the time the primaries roll around they&8217;ll make Joe Stalin look like a right-wing conservative &8212; and Santa Claus look like Ebenezer Scrooge.
It&8217;s something-for-everyone time on the Democrat campaign trail, and no longer being content with the old party lines about &8220;saving&8221; Social Security from the robber baron Republicans who allegedly want to strip Grandma of her monthly Social Security check and throw her to the wolves, they are hot on the trail to locate new and better ways to buy the voters&8217; votes with their own tax dollars.
Having already whetted the voters&8217; appetites with every kind of giveaway program they could dream up, they now find themselves forced to outdo each other in the grandiosity of their proposals. And there are lots of opportunities to devise new and exciting handouts available in that vast period between cradle and grave through which we all pass.
This pandermania epidemic is the result of the growing perception among a large segment of younger Americans that they are somehow entitled to all sorts of privileges, including the largesse of the federal treasury. And the Democrats are only too eager to oblige their cupidity.
Take little miss Lindsay Lohan as the extreme archetype of the Me generation. Like hordes of Hollywood brats she has shown herself to be utterly convinced that the laws and restrictions and customs to which most adult Americans are subject do not apply to her. Like Jerry Seinfeld, she is the master of her own domain, which appears to include everything and everybody in the whole wide world.
She and Paris Hilton, among other celebrated alcohol &8212; and drug-sodden doxies, are of course extreme examples. But they are members of
a generation
which believes it is entitled to whatever their little hearts desire, including exemption from serving their country in wartime,
government paid college tuition, and a form of without-consequence sexual license which would shame even the worst libertines of ancient Rome.
Enter stage left one Hillary Clinton, this era&8217;s most accomplished snake oil salesperson. To her the whole world is a village and she wants to be the mayor, ever anxious to see to it that the citizens of her global town are supplied with everything they could possibly desire, including round-the-clock child care &8212; children being the responsibility of the mob, not their parents.
On the heels of Sen. Obama’s pandering on the subject of health care, earlier this week for all intents and purposes Hillary endorsed socialism. She doesn&8217;t call it that, of course. But if it waddles like Karl Marx and it quacks like Karl Marx, it is Karl Marx.
And as Al Jolson used to say, &8220;We ain&8217;t seen nothin&8217; yet.&8221; By the time the primaries roll around there won&8217;t be a single freebee left that hasn&8217;t been pledged by the Democratic candidates for their party&8217;s presidential nomination.
After that the winner will spend the rest of the presidential
campaign saying he or she didn&8217;t really mean all that stuff they spoke about to win the hearts and minds and votes of the party&8217;s dominant &8212; and crazed &8212; left wing which nominates candidates. (Just ask Joe Lieberman.)
Mike Reagan, the eldest son of the late President Ronald Reagan, is heard on more than 200 talk radio stations nationally as part of the Radio America Network. Look for Mike’s newest book, &8220;Twice Adopted.&8221; E-mail comments to