Editorial: Propane rules would hurt farms

Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Homeland Security Department sure doesn&8217;t understand American farming.

The federal agency wants to list propane as a &8220;chemical of interest&8221; when stored in quantities greater than 7,500 pounds. The regulation would force farmers to perform a costly risk assessment.

Farmers use propane in abundance. They use it to dry grain and to heat their homes and some outbuildings. It seems most farms have that familiar white oblong tank on the property.

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The requirement would be hard on farmers. Iowa Sens. Chuck Grassley and Tom Harkin are speaking up on behalf of farmers. The National Grain and Feed Association also stands opposed to the regulations.

The cost of the risk assessments would be somewhere between $2,000 and $3,500.

While the Homeland Security Department&8217;s intentions might be good, we hope the agency finds a solution that doesn&8217;t overburden U.S. farmers.