Men arrested for drunk driving, open container

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 1, 2007

Michael Andrew Hanson, 25, was arrested at 12:10 a.m. Saturday for second degree DWI, according to reports. Hanson was swerving in the road and driving on the wrong side in a Chevrolet van in Manchester.

Anthony Allan Villarreal, 24, was arrested at 2 a.m. Saturday at South Newton Avenue and East Fourth Street for fourth degree DWI, according to police reports.

Justin Michael Collison, 25, was cited for an open container in a moving vehicle, according to reports, after a police officer driving by noticed a can of beer sitting on the dashboard at 10:26 p.m. Saturday.

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Citations, arrests for minor consumption

Alyson Nicole Diaz, 20, was cited and Allen Markus Ingersoll, 20, was arrested, both for minor consumption, according to police reports, at 10 p.m. Friday at 627 Water St.

Joshua Ryan Hites, 18, was cited for minor consumption at 7:38 p.m. Saturday after a fight was reported at 622 Water St. Reports stated there was no actual fight, but one other person was cited for underage consumption.

Ryan Lee Carstens, 20, was cited for minor consumption at 1:14 a.m. Sunday, reports said, as he and Jordan Timothy Knutson, 22, who was arrested on local warrant, were reported fighting at Hammer Road and Grand Avenue.