New auto parts store permit issued

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 3, 2007

By Ed Shannon, staff writer

Demolition of the former Classic Reflections Salon and Spa, 2002 E. Main St., is nearly completed so this site can become an auto parts store.

This is confirmed with the latest report from the City of Albert Lea Inspection Department. A building permit with a valuation of $740,000 has been issued to O&8217;Reilly Auto Parts for the construction of a new 70-by- 95-foot building at the East Main Street location.

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The city&8217;s latest report shows 37 building permits with a valuation of $1,615, 665 were issued during September. This increases the total valuation for building permits to $20,507, 435 for the first nine months of the year.

At the end of

September 2006 the city&8217;s report shows a valuation for permits as being $15,646,258.

Two building permits were issued to the Naeve Health Care Association during September. One permit with a valuation of $280,000 is for what the report says is

&8220;CT Scan Remodel.&8221; The second permit with a valuation of $52,000 is for radiologist office remodeling.

A city permit with a valuation of $275,000 was issued for a new duplex on Hale Drive during September.

The Freeborn County Planning and Zoning Office issued 43 building permits with a listed valuation of $439,675 during September. This increases the estimated valuation for county-issued permits to $5,435,690 for the first nine months of the year.

Eight of the county-issued permits were for home additions or garages.

A permit with a valuation of $43,000 has been issued to Mansfield Township for a new town hall.