Tina Stripe joins Ramada Inn

Published 12:00 am Monday, March 17, 2008

The Ramada Inn of Albert Lea announces the appointment of Albert Lea resident Tina Stripe to the position of sales director and assistant general manager. In her new position, Stripe will develop and implement marketing and sales strategies for the 79-room full service hotel and its adjoining restaurant, The Big Island Grill, and also support the hotel&8217;s general manager Jolene Dillemuth in day-to-day operations.

&8220;We&8217;re delighted to have Tina on the Ramada team,&8221; said Dillemuth. &8220;Her marketing skills, her knowledge of local businesses and her enthusiasm will be a great asset.&8221;

Prior to joining the Ramada, Stripe owned and operated Flowers by Curt for 23 years and was a member of the Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors for more than 20 years.

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&8220;The Ramada is a great Albert Lea resource, and I&8217;m really excited to promote all is has to offer for ever occasion,&8221; said Stripe. &8220;From business meetings to family get-togethers or elaborate weddings, this hotel has what you&8217;re looking for.&8221;

Stripe grew up in Albert Lea. She is married to James Stripe and has three children, Carlton, Karina and Chloe.

To contact Stripe or for more information about The Ramada of Albert Lea, call 373-6471 or e-mail tstripe@ramadaalbertlea.com.