Column: Can you come up with some barguments?
Published 10:43 am Thursday, May 29, 2008
By Scott Schmeltzer, Thanks for Listening
I bought a great book recently called &8220;Barguments&8221; by a writer for the Miami Herald named Doug Hanks. Hanks&8217; book states that a bargument is a debate with no right or wrong answer that must be uncomplicated enough to discuss after three beers.
I think it is a perfect book that challenges people to think while also debating in a fun, casual atmosphere.
I am going to list some of the questions that you can debate, have fun with, or hopefully it stimulates some new ones that you develop on your own.
Remember there are no correct answers other than the ones you truly believe.
1. Who would win in a fight: a lion or a bear?
2. Would you rather be allergic to couches or remote controls?
3. If you could be free from one task in life, would it be laundry or shaving?
OK, now after these three questions, you probably have already started to alter your answers and started to ask other questions about the questions. Good for you.This is called debate and that is the fun part of this game. OK, game on:
4. What is the creepiest pet a person can own?
5. You&8217;ve bet $5,000 on a game of rock, paper, scissors. What do you throw?
6. What is the greatest television theme song of all time?
7. Which commercial would you ban from ever airing again?
8. If you could be cast in any reality show, which would you pick?
9. Name the three songs that you would play to get a wedding party started.
10. If Superman challenged Aquaman to an underwater race, who would win?
11. Choose one of these rules to obey for the next 14 days: going for a hug every time someone offers you a handshake, or ending all telephone conversations with &8220;Love ya.&8221;
12. Someone has left a $20 bill floating in the toilet in a public restroom. The water appears to be clean. What do you do?
13. You&8217;ve been kidnapped. You can call on the characters from one television show to make a rescue attempt. Which show do you pick?
14. Name the five best bands of all time? (I chose Aerosmith, Eagles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet band)
15. You can travel to five cities in five days for free. Name your itinerary?
16. What is the worst movie of all time? Best?
17. Televisions will be restricted to only three channels. Name them?
18. At what age are women the most attractive? Men?
19. Pick from these superpowers: extraordinary hearing that lets you listen in whenever your name is mentioned or the ability to instantly detect lies told to you.
20. Which person &8212; alive or dead &8212; most deserves a punch in the face?
Here are five more that I came up with:
1. Would you rather have gas prices be fixed at 99 cents a gallon or give up TV forever?
2. Who are Minnesota&8217;s top five athletes of all time?
3. What would be a cooler superpower, time travel or being invisible?
4. Would you rather give up cell phones or the Internet?
5. Would you rather have 10 kids or pay $10 every time you turned on the TV?
OK, now that should get the barguments started. Please come up with your own and send them to me at I will collect the best ones and include them in a future column.
Albert Lea Tribune Publisher Scott Schmeltzer&8217;s column appears every Thursday.