Hayward man raises money by running Boston Marathon
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 3, 2008
Local Hayward runner, Bryce Gaudian, expresses his thanks to community members and local businesses for supporting St. Jude Children&8217;s Research Hospital through his running of the Boston Marathon on April 21.
More than 200 donors came forward from previous jobs at Hormel, Mrs. Gerry&8217;s Kitchen, Van Ladder, and co-workers at his present place of employment at Agilis, to many in Church fellowships in the area, area cross country coaches, business leaders, neighbors, dairy and grain farmers, local running enthusiasts, and even friends of his children in high school.
&8220;I am so incredibly blessed to be encompassed about by so great a network of caring people, Gaudian said. &8220;I am humbled to have had such an amazing, inconceivable outpouring of support.&8221;
The total amount raised for St. Jude Children&8217;s Research Hospital was $22,570.
The money will provide enormous benefits to children and their families as they are cared for by St. Jude&8217;s and as they run with patience and perseverance their own epic marathon of sorts from cancer or some other form of disease.
Gaudian had been provided with free running shoes from both the Saucony corporate office, and an autographed pair of Brooks from four time Boston and NYC marathon champion, Bill Rodgers, in which to train in.
There were more than 25,000 runners assembled in Hopkinton, MA (the second largest field in Boston&8217;s 112 years of the race). Gaudian literally had to run almost a mile to get to his shoot and was in position only two minutes before the gun! After at least another quarter mile from that point to the actual starting line, he was finally off. He pulled alongside a Korean girl and ran side-by-side until just before 13.1 miles where he was at that halfway point, on a three-hour 40-minute marathon pace.
But he came upon the infamous hills near the Wellesley college area and his quadriceps muscles in both legs went as tight as cello strings strung to a high note.
It was the Boston Marathon. A once-in-a-lifetime experience. He&8217;d probably never be there again. By the grace of God, with another 13.1 miles to go and very tight quad muscles, he went on to finish the Boston Marathon in 3:56:39. It had been a tremendous desire of his to break four hours for his finish time.
For a marathon runner, there is no greater sight than the finish line. As Gaudian ran down Boylston Street toward Copley Place in downtown Boston, his race number 12894 was soaked with a residue of sweat, Gatorade, and salt. It was also signed by both Bill Rodgers and Dick Beardsley and pinned to his St. Jude Heroes singlet.
There had to be at least a million people lining the 26.2 miles of the course, and Gaudian can&8217;t even estimate how many tens of thousands of people shouted to him:
&8220;Go St. Jude&8217;s!&8221; &8220;Keep it up St. Jude&8217;s!&8221; &8220;You can make it St. Jude&8217;s Hero!&8221; &8220;We LOVE St. Jude&8217;s!&8221;
Gaudian holds the local community in the highest regard and is overwhelmingly grateful for the support for St. Jude&8217;s and his marathon run.
There are so many children and families at St. Jude Children&8217;s Research Hospital who will benefit from people in our area&8217;s generosity.