Blooming Prairie keeps dissent out of meeting

Published 9:57 am Monday, June 2, 2008

Being the end of the school year, I thought it would be a good time for reflection. Let me see, where to begin? I will start by seeing who was the biggest disappointment this year. To me, that would be the administration. We were told there was plenty of money, and then they told us we needed to come up with more. There was a 12 percent surplus, now we are making cuts, but at the same time giving raises. This administration just doesn’t seem to know what they’re doing. Or do they? A good time to start looking for a different job. Apparently looking for another district to screw up. They get to do what they want, get paid what they want, and the kids are the ones being short-changed and fed garbage food.

It was nice to see the turn out at the school board meeting, they came to defend their pet project. Some came to defend their wages (most people wouldn’t admit they were overpaid) and then some came in defense of their families. Nice turnout, but where is your average citizen? They stayed home in fear of retribution to their kids and social status. Many want to voice their opinions and would like to have their concerns heard, but it has been so futile to voice concerns without being labeled anti-education. It is obvious to me that there are some deep issues, but I give thanks to the people that showed up. We know who is responsible now!

Jeff Gwilt

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