‘Swingtown’ promotes filth on national TV

Published 5:14 pm Saturday, June 14, 2008

I believe I live in a community that strives to keep children safe and innocent as long as we possibly can. As adults, we must assume the role of parents and mentors. We must come together as a support system for our children to rely upon in order to feel secure. I do not understand how a show that promotes adultery within a marriage is to be considered appropriate for family viewing. My cares now move beyond the rating system and whether or not I should view the rating of a show before allowing it in my home. 

The horrifying truth is that not all kids are at their own homes with their responsible adults. I have seen local television shows viewed in the hospital in Albert Lea and within many of the restaurants of the area. Am I to hide from the world? Are my children to be so sheltered that they will not even know what sunlight is? 

The fact stands that adults in our community should stand up for all children to protect them from information that could twist the morality of believing that they should commit to one relationship when they become adults. The new show “Swingtown” that aired Friday on CBS is so misleading and promotes such filth and disgust that it should only be aired on cable (if at all)! 

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This show will teach children and teens that commitment is now just another word to be added to the dictionary of boring. It will teach them that when they become adults, responsibility will be a thing of the past and commitment is to be taken lightly. Adults stepping outside of a marriage bed or monogamous relationship and into the realms of another couples’ marriage or relationship is not only morally wrong, it is filthy and causes mental and emotional damage to some, if not, all individuals involved. People will choose to do these acts in order to be accepted by their partners and then must live with the consequences of their actions emotionally. This is not a subject that should be taken lightly. Sure, there will be a select few people that find these acts are fine. 

However, if we study these individuals in detail, we would learn that these people are not of any mental level that we would want our children to view as role models or strive to become. This show should be rejected immediately by all CBS local stations and communities should come together to stand against this sort of viewing on our televisions. We have a tough job of parenting and mentoring in a world that is obsessed with sexually immorality. I think that it is time to take a stand and demand our children’s innocence be a gift for them to enjoy as long as possible instead of allowing outsiders to crush them with their selfish needs of fulfilling dirty fantasies on primetime television. Swingtown is dirty and wrong, and it should be kept in dark places where consenting adults must work to obtain it. It should not be given freely at the cost of our children or our family values. 

Amanda Buchanan
