Feel free to submit an event

Published 8:52 am Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Are you the organizer of an event? Or do you simply know of an event and want to give it some publicity?

You can post your event to the most popular and most widely read Web site in the Albert Lea area. And it’s easy, too.

Go to AlbertLeaTribune.com. On the right side you will see the current month under the heading, “Calendar.” Click on “Submit an Event.”

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Just fill out the entries and hit “Submit Event.” It won’t immediately post to the calendar. It will be sent to Tribune data coordinator Danielle Boss, who works in the mornings on weekdays. She will post the events to that calendar.

If you happen to click on “next” you will notice the calendar goes out quite a ways. Feel free to submit an event no matter how far down the road the time might be.