Franken forgets state’s pro-gun viewpoint

Published 9:19 am Thursday, July 17, 2008

In one of Senate candidate Al Franken’s literary efforts titled “Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot,” he reveals his personal feelings about a topic important to many Minnesotans. In Chapter 12 of his book, I learned that candidate Franken is against private ownership of guns due to his belief that firearms in the home are “too dangerous.” I believe these views are more consistent with California or New York, where Mr. Franken still maintains corporate interests.

His problem is Minnesota has always been a pro-gun state. Remember, a bipartisan majority passed “conceal and carry.” I called the National Rifle Association’s legislative office April 22 for Sen. Norm Coleman’s most recent NRA rating score. Coleman’s previous votes and questionaire answers qualified him for their hightest category — A.

John Holley

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