Opposition to illegal immigration isn’t hate

Published 9:46 am Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This letter is in response to Ted Hinnenkamp’s letter, “Hate message not welcome in parade.”

The unit you are talking about was entered by the Minnesota Coalition for Immigration Reduction, not MNSirproject.com. The message was fact not hate. We are against illegal immigration. Illegal aliens come from every country on the planet, not just Mexico. The problem was the stone throwers, not the sign. Illegal immigration is a huge problem in our country. Our government says there are 10-12 million, but Barrons magazine and people who work on the immigration issue says 20-30 million illegals are here and more coming every day. This is an invasion.

With 70-80 percent of the people in the U.S. on our side, let the people decide what is right. The response has been great, and we have received support from all over the country.

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We are sorry that someone got hurt, but we didn’t throw the stones.

Paul Westrum


Minnesota Coalition

for Immigration Reduction

Albert Lea