Rally for the Cure golf outing scheduled for July 26 at Oakview golf course

Published 4:43 pm Saturday, July 5, 2008

Oakview Golf Course Ladies will host a “Rally for the Cure” golf outing on July 26 at 2 p.m.

The event is a fundraiser for Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

The Two-Gal Best Shot Golf Event at Oakview is designed for women golfers of all levels and will include fun surprises on each hole, a gift bag presented by Golf for Women magazine, and supper.

Email newsletter signup

Cost is $30 per golfer. Carts are available for an additional fee.

Registration forms are available at Oakview; or for more info contact Nicole Brown (507) 256-4203.

The registration deadline is July 14.

Oakview is located at 25177 665th Ave., Alden.