911 operator could’ve been more helpful

Published 9:03 am Tuesday, August 5, 2008

In Alden on Friday, Aug. 1, my dog was attacked by my neighbor’s pitbull in my front yard. Their dog is never on a chain, just roams free. All of us on the block have talked to them about this because some of us have kids.

So when this happened I called 911 to reach the Alden police, because the dog was still running free. The 911 operator told me that he didn’t have any numbers for me to call and said he is not a 411 operator and hung up on me. I called back and got the same person. I said that the dog is still running around, please send somebody down. He told me once again he is not a 411 operator and to call 411, then hung up. I got Freeborn County’s number by calling 411 and the Alden officer came down to talk to my neighbors about their dog.

I just can’t believe that a 911 operator acted like that and they don’t have any other number for anybody to call at hand! Who pays their salary? We do. They could be polite.

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Rich Mirelli
