Salem WELCA Executive Board

Published 9:00 am Saturday, August 23, 2008

On Aug. 5, the Salem WELCA Executive Board met at 6:30 p.m. The meeting opened with a devotion al reading, “Change Happens” by Mary Thompson. President Judy Dilling presided. Reports from the May meeting were read by Secretary Nancy Lahs and Treasurer Sharon Dilling and both reports approved as read.

A “thank you” was received from Good Earth Village for the $100 donation from Sarah Circle. Another letter anno-ariced the resignation of David Herder, director of Good Earth Village. Guest night at Emmons Lutheran Church was enjoyed by Eleanor Schember, Marianne DePoppe and Pauline Hall.

Valta Hestness and Lois Anderson gave brief comments on the Triennial Convention they attended at Salt Lake City, Utah, July 10-13. Fundraisers were discussed to help finance more Salem women to attend the Triennial in 2011 at Spokane, Wash.Progress is happening to the new Salem kitchen and discussion was held on adding a committee to include men and women who would do the cleaning and maintenance of the kitchen and the new appliances. Deb Beighley announced that $900 was realized on the sale of bracelets and another 20 have been ordered.

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The women were reminded that September is thank offering month. The-Church Women United Mission Study Day will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church on Friday, Sept. 5, at 9:15 a.m. Pauline Hall reported all Salem shut-in’s were called on in May, June and July. Laurel Herdina reported on Sew ‘N Tell accomplishments: 90 boxes of used clothing was delivered to the Marie Sandvik Center, 50 boxes were sent to Appalachia, eight boxes went to the VA, two quilts and two boxes of clothing went to the Ronald McDonald House. Circle duties for August and September were reviewed.