Sunday school set at Hartland, Manchester Lutheran churches
Published 8:31 am Friday, August 22, 2008
The 2008-09 Sunday School year for Hartland Evangelical Lutheran Church and Manchester Evangelical Lutheran Church begins on Sunday, Sept. 7, at 9:30 a.m. at Hartland and 10 a.m. at Manchester. Classes are held for children in pre-kindergarten throught eighth grades.
The newly developed Northwestern Publishing House course “Christ Light” will be used. This course features Biblical teaching combined with interactive learning techniques. All children are welcome. To register, call 845-2218 or 845-2463 or simply bring them to the first class on Sept. 7. There is no charge, but an offering is taken weekly for missions. Hartland Lutheran is located at 404 S. Broadway in Hartland. Manchester Lutheran is in town on County Road 25 running west through Manchester.