Taking land off tax rolls is not good for county
Published 8:49 am Monday, August 4, 2008
Now is not the time to be suggesting that more land in Freeborn County be taken off the tax rolls. We need more development, more tax base and not more public land. Let’s get the bank building sold and occupied. Let’s see the Blazing Star Landing with some buildings and people contributing to the economy.
I went to the state park for a hike with my dog on a beautiful Sunday afternoon (July 13), and there were only four vehicles in the parking lot on Big Island. I saw three women picking raspberries and one family picnic. Maybe there were three campers in the campground. All the canoes were neatly stacked on the landing with none in the water. The interpretive center looked abandoned. Is this park used? The Tribune ought to investigate park usage and compare it to other parks and private campgrounds in the area and to the rest of the state park system. The city and county parks are so nice, and free, so maybe a state park is superfluous. Didn’t the Rendezvous move to the city park because of high costs and excessive state regulations?
Maybe the developers in 1974 had it right. I wonder if they’re still out there and interested.
Larry Forster
Riceland Township